Ratings: 2 (average 5 from 5)
Played: 1269

Before you play FNF Hex online, in which you will need to fight a new strong opponent. This time it will be as difficult as possible for Boyfriend, because a robot will stand in front of him. He is probably programmed to win, so there will be no mistakes in his actions. That is, by all logic of things, if you make a lot of mistakes in singing songs, you will lose, and this is clearly not like you. In the game, you will have access to a whole week with this legendary warrior, so one lost day does not mean that you will lose the whole war. The battle will be successful only if you hit the keyboard arrows exactly in time. A rhythmic game of attention and speed will definitely make Friday a fun day.

Friday Night Funkin Hex Mod - How to play?

In order to start playing, you will need to click on the start button. There are 2 modes available: training mode and playthrough. Enter the second mode on the list and try to win a musical battle against the enemy force that is in front of you. the songs you fight to are called Dunk, Ram, Hello-World, Glitcher. When the flying arrows coincide with the arrow that is fixed, you should press it on the keyboard. Good game!

  • arrows - sing songs
  • +- - volume
  • enter - input