FNF VS Hatsune Miku

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FNF VS Hatsune Miku
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FNF VS Hatsune Miku

Here is a Friday Night Funkin Hatsune Miku game that you can play online. If earlier you most often played against strong-looking opponents, then here you have a completely fragile girl in front of you. In appearance, this is so, but her character is simply explosive, and she is not deprived of talents. Speaking more specifically about her, we hasten to inform you that she is a Japanese singer. True, in reality it does not exist, although many people cosplay it. In fact, this is a virial singer, but her voice is wonderful - no doubt about it. You will play, as before, for the Boyfriend. This guy has already outplayed various opponents, so it will not be difficult for him to defeat Mika as well. A full week is available to you in the game, so choose any day and start playing it and going through the gameplay.

How to play?

In order to start playing the FNF Miku game, you will need to decide on the game mode in which you will perform. It could be a workout, or it could be a walkthrough. Select the second mode and after that you will need to do everything to skillfully press the keyboard arrows. This is what will help you perfectly hit the beat of the music in order to defeat the enemies. The game has a lot of new tracks that you will need to memorize, because without them you will have problems performing songs.

  • Arrows - sing songs
  • +- - volume