FNF Character Test Playground 2

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FNF Character Test Playground 2
Played: 955
FNF Character Test Playground 2

Before you is a wonderful game FNF Character Test Playground Remake 2 in which you will need to create various musical battles. To do this, you have many different settings. First of all, I would like to note the ability to choose from a number of characters presented here. In fact, the game has all the characters, so choose the ones you like best. The game FNF TEST 2 is finally unlocked, so you can play it online without downloading it to your computer. In the settings, you can choose the location where the battle will take place. Of course, there are many beautiful backgrounds to choose from, so choose the one that you like the most. Also, look carefully in the settings, because there you can choose the speed of movement of the characters in the musical battle.

How to play?

The gameplay of Friday Night Funkin is very simple and straightforward, so it will not be difficult for you to figure out what is happening. While on stage, you will need to timely and accurately press the arrows on the keyboard. They will fall from top to bottom of completely different colors, so you just need to be on time and press the right buttons. You will win only when the entire line that is at the top of the screen is completely filled. Each correct click on the arrow will bring you closer to victory.

What are the characters in this FNF Test 2 mod?

Tricky phase 1, 3, 4, Discord, Whitty and Updike, Hex, Bob, Agoti, Tabi, Starecrown, Carol, Selever and Sarvente, Ronald, Henchman, Noob, Salad Fingers, Pompom, Static, Bad Piggy, Tordbot, Shaggy, Tom, Weegee

  • Keyboard arrows - sing songs
  • Enter - choice
  • +- - adjust the volume