Russian Car Driver HD

Ratings: 2 (average 5 from 5)
Russian Car Driver HD
Played: 1346
Russian Car Driver HD

An interesting Russian Car Driver HD game in which you will have to drive various Russian-made cars. Driving a VAZ 2108 is a rather entertaining process, although the car is clearly of poor quality. For this reason, many people think about what kind of car to buy, Russian or foreign. There are a lot of game modes in this simulator, ranging from normal driving anywhere, ending with training tasks, as well as racing against opponents on the track. Throughout the game, you will try to tune the car to make it better, and at least not break down and look brighter, more solid. Be careful when you drive next to the police, because for speeding and violating traffic rules, you will immediately be chased by the police, which you will undoubtedly see in the rear-view mirrors. In order to understand how much you still have left before passing the game, carefully look at the percentage of how much has already been completed.

How to play?

In order to start, select the game mode and after that you will appear on the road driving a car. The quality of graphics in this game is much better than in a regular game, because here HD graphics. You will need to complete various buildings, one after the other, in order to complete the entire game. Try to drive carefully, because you can run into an obstacle and then the car will roll over. The game is finally unlocked, so all levels are open.

  • Arrows - controls
  • Spacebar - handbrake
  • C - change camera view
  • L - on / off headlights
  • Esc - pause/exit menu